Tom Hardy vs. James McAvoy at the Moet Awards: who would you rather?


GAH. It’s been so long since we’ve had some new photos of Tom Hardy. It’s been so long since he’s walked a red carpet, I think. No… wait, he did some red carpets a few months ago, Venice and London, I think. But back then, he had a World War II haircut and it was not the hotness. Nowadays… lord, he looks good. These are photos from last night’s Moet British Independent Film Awards, which is historically an event for hot dude photos. In years past, we’ve gotten Michael Fassbender and Tom Hiddleton. This year we got Tom Hardy and a furry James McAvoy. And you know what? I can’t decide!!

Tom walked the carpet with his on-again (or never “off”) fiancée Charlotte Riley. Here’s the thing about my affection for Tom: I think he’s incredibly talented and I love to watch him in films, but I really only want to bang him when he’s scruffy. I hate it when he’s clean-shaven. I hate it when he has a haircut. It looks unnatural on him. If you feel differently, go ahead and yell at me!

As for McAvoy… he looks odd, right? I’m assuming the haircut and the goatee is for a role (I hope), but he looks so different to me. Maybe I’ve just never seen him with a goatee? Usually if he does facial hair, it’s a scruffy ginger beard or a full-on ginger beard. In these photos, he reminds me of a young professor who may or may not be secretly banging his students. He also looks exhausted. So… in this battle royale, I’m choosing Hardy. No disrespect to McAvoy.






Photos courtesy of WENN.
